(Identifications are difficult but can be sent to me at if you can make any)
Far left, half-face: Mick Riley, 2 more to right, no tie Mike Fruin, 2 more to right sharing hymnbook John Sigournay Right of centre with Bill Hailey hairlick: John Anderson |
Deputy Head Boy Harris and ? Harris reading the lesson David Pettit at the organ in Assembley |
Doughy' Rowe chops The 7th Romfords in action The 7th Romford Scout Troop dib-dib loading tree: Peter Ovall,Gerald Spence,Mike Fruin, Ken Saxby, W Dockrell ------ flag ceremony: Mick Rowe, John Durham,Peter Ovall,Mike Fruin, Ken Saxby |
Mr. Tydeman and pupil.Mick Course, at woodwork Four Shakespearian performers in Wally Walters' class l. to r. W.N. Bowman, Weir, Yeeles, Everett |
The Pr*f*cts Room: ------------------------------------------------------------- Frank Pooley (stage lighting manager) Prefects: W. Dockrell *2nl. l. rear) and Rory O'Brien standing right with glasses (behind Grubb). In both one sees Spike Iverson extreme right. |
Brian King at the Liberty Forum Pettit on contrabass left, Askew (left) and John Russel on violins, Bill Burridge far right |
David Dack and oboe player, Phil Kingham ........................................................................... Other recorder players Who ??? |
The Transport Club The Woodwork Room |
Arriving at school - prefects checking at the gate. Closest in centre image is Barry Krausshaar |
This is evidently a history class Strictly left to right: 1. Whitcomb (glasses) 2. Everett 3. Thomas? (arm raised) 4 Cowling (front) 5 Curtis (obscured) 6. Stennet (against side wall) 7. Gregory (side wall) 8. Romano 9. Hawkes 10. Wallace (in front) 11. Brown (back corner) 12. somone obscured by raised arm 13. Wyard, 14. Romain (back) 15. Robinson 16. someone obscured at back 17. Jolly 18. Schutz (at front) 19. Williams (raised arm) 20. someone obscured at back 21 Hewlett 22. P.G. Wagstaff 23. Cusdin (back) 24 Elliman (front) 25. Phil Kingham 26. P.R. Wagstaff 27. Matthews 28. Butterworth (front right corner) 29. Webb (largely obscured) |
Michael Ridd in Mr. Reeki's geology class Studies in a lab. - l. to r. Mick Ridd, Ian Rolfe, Mr Faithful? Geoffrey Norris and ? |
? ? Wallace John Sigournay ? |